domingo, 6 de maio de 2012

Everything changes. Constantly. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. People change, feelings fade. Nothing’s permanent. Nothing’s yours to keep unless you work for it. Don’t be too sure of anything, but rather be grateful. You never know when the things you so easily take for granted won’t be there. When the things you fought so hard to get, but forgot to cherish aren’t there when you wake up. No matter how permanent something may seem, nothing’s guaranteed. Most of all realize that you must keep going. It’s okay to cry, feel hurt, get upset. But when you let your emotions control your life that’s when you lose. You can’t sulk at everything bad that happens to you. Life is going to throw you down, beat you up, and make you feel utterly worthless. But at the end of the day what sets the strong aside from the weak is the choice we all have to make to give up or get up.

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